Nested Boxes - KAGER

Nested Boxes

Flat roof house


Lead Architect/ Spaziolibero

Size/ 880 m2

Roof Shape/ Flat roof


This project comprises three distinct units, all designed with a unified modern and elegant style by the architects of Spaziolibero. The project began with the development of the first building. The client’s satisfaction with the initial result led to the commissioning of two additional wooden houses.

Custom made wooden Villa: The “nested boxes” design concept 🏡

All three wooden buildings share the “nested boxes” design concept. The geometric volumes of the first floor and balconies intersect seemingly at random over an L-shaped floor plan. The finishes play a significant role in integrating this modern style with the surrounding landscape, featuring facades clad in reconstructed stone.

The roofing solutions for the three homes were individually customized per the owners’ requests. The second villa features a sloped roof made of aluminum standing seam, offering more durability than traditional tile coverings due to its ribbed surface treatment. The third house, on the other hand, has a flat roof covered with Evalon, a high-quality material that uses Ethylene Vinyl Acetate to provide excellent durability and UV resistance over time.


Unified modern and elegant style.

“Nested Boxes” design concept.

Diverse custom roofing solutions.

Energy-efficient and sustainable systems.

“Each of these three houses is distinguished by unique details, finishes, and color combinations.”

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Tourist Farm Reconstruction